about roomie

Less Drama
More Drag
& Drop

If you empower people to take control of their space you can alleviate moving-day stress and create a more equitable environment.

Our Mission

Roomie believes there’s a better way to plan and shop for your space. Through technology and data we can improve the lives of residents and students alike.

Our Impact

Tens of thousands of people have utilized the Roomie platform to transform their living space and take the stress out of moving.

Our Values

Roomie is focused on creating greater equity across campuses and housing by offering marginalized communities more flexibility in the moving process.

Our Experience

A decade of data to improve human spaces.

Successful student moves with Roomie since 2012
Campus Partners across the US
Students will receive Roomie links this year

Our Story

From furniture to software, we have been making lives easier for college students and administrators alike since 2012.

Started by three Dartmouth roommates, Roomie's initial mission was to reduce end of year waste and emissions through renting furniture to students living on and off-campus.

When COVID hit in 2020, many of our partner institutions did not return to campus, which meant empty residence halls for the first (and hopefully last) time ever.

With the goal of making lemonade out of some very sour lemons, we surveyed 75k+ students and our campus partners and learned there was an opportunity to dramatically improve the existing college move-in process for students and administrators alike via better room visibility. We soon started scanning every unique residential floor plan and make a to-scale 3D model of not just a standard room within a floor plan, but every single unique room. That's when present-day Roomie was born.

Easier and more confident move-in planning promotes sustainability & equity and saves administrators thousands of calls and emails. Roomie makes move-in easy and fun for tenants, and less stressful for Administrators and Property Managers – a true win-win-win!”

Contact Us
An illustration depicting three separate chat bubbles with computer, dog, and stacked blocks

Have questions about how the Roomie platform can work for your residents?

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