Property Owners & Managers

Gain a foothold on your square footage

Illustration of two Roomie characters standing outside of their apartment.

Boost property value in the eyes of tenants looking for better experiences and greater control over their space.

A graphic illustration of people standing around a bunch of business buildings
Roomie's Value to Your Business

Add appeal to your    property listing and attract quality    tenants.


Create a New Revenue Stream


85% of incoming students bring used furniture from a friend or relative.

Partnering with Roomie creates a new revenue opportunity. When tenants shop for their apartments, our revenue share helps capture cash previously left on the table that goes directly to your bottom line.


Supercharge Marketing

Facilitate virtual leasing in a hands-on, never-seen-before way that helps close faster while surprising and delighting tenants.


Increase Retention & Satisfaction


85% of incoming students bring used furniture from a friend or relative.

Offer a new, exciting amenity that gives your tenants the ability to understand and customize their spaces like never before.

our platform

Technology that brings your room to the palm of your hand.

Schedule your demo
Value to your Tenants

Improve the lives of residents by taking the drama    out of moving.

Make moving to your property an
elevated experience
A graphic of a box with white wings

Tenants agree that move-in is by far the most painful part of the apartment process. Make the planning, shopping, and furnishings easy and fun with accurate dimensions and slick tech.

Give new tenants access to an expansive furnishings marketplace
An illustration of a lamp inside of a shopping cart

Most renters are upgrading their square footage and need help filling their new place with the things that make it home. Our marketplace allows them to drag, drop, and order new furnishings with threshold delivery.

"Roomie is an amazing amenity for both tenants and owners. Tenants can seamlessly design their space while owners gain an additional revenue stream to supplement rental income."
Paolo Boero
OTH Capital

Empower your students to unlock their layouts with Roomie

Schedule your demo

Frequently Asked Questions from Property Managers just like yourself.

Are there ongoing costs to partnering with Roomie?

There is an annual subscription fee that is based on the number of bed spaces on campus!

Can the models be uploaded into our housing software?

We are yet to find a housing software that does not work with our link upload process. It usually takes only a few minutes

How long does the process take?

The scanning process typically takes 1-2 days on site, then our team just needs a few weeks to complete your models. Simple as that.

Contact Us
An illustration depicting three separate chat bubbles with computer, dog, and stacked blocks

Have questions about how the Roomie platform can work for your tenants?

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